Prepare the wintering of your semi-rigid boat
What is wintering?
The wintering of a boat - of whatever kind - consists in carrying out a series ofmaintenance operations before store it during winter, and thus protect it properly against cold, frost, and other bad weather.
It is a primordial routine in the life cycle of your boat, especially if you have a zodiac type boat. Indeed, Semi-rigid boats are the most sensitive in winter.
Wintering must be done in the rules of the art, and requires a certain investment in time and energy if you want to maintain your semi-rigid pneumatic boat as well as possible, and guarantee its good restart, its proper functioning and performance When you do your launching again.
So, in this article, Orca Retail invites you to review all The stages necessary for the good wintering of your semi-rigid.
1. Empty of your boat
Several good reasons push us as a boat owners to empty it before wintering.
First of all, it allows you to do nothing Or do nothing to fly during the storage of your boat. Also, maybe you will need some of this equipment out of your outings.
In a second step, this is an ideal opportunity for redo the inventory of your equipment, and in particular check and therefore plan so as not to be caught next season. Who knows, you may also find objects that you thought was lost!
Finally, Emptying your boat allows you to protect it as well as its equipment during movements necessary for moving your semi-rigid in its hangar or storage room.
Take advantage of it too rinse and clean everything that can be, whether it be sports equipment (masks, palms, snorkel, wakeboard, fishing canes), electronics (GPS, VHF), of safety (life jackets, buoys, distress rockets, fire extinguishers, etc.), or others.
2. Maintenance of upholstery and batteries
These are the parts that can suffer the most in winter, being sensitive to cold and humidity. Remove them to store them in a dry place.
Again, this is an opportunity to pamper these parts of your boat, including the upholstery that you can clean and maintain with appropriate products. As for the battery, this is an opportunity for the recharge !
If you cannot disconnect your battery from your semi-rigid boat, try to control it all the same and recharge it once a month. Indeed, the too discharged batteries wear out faster.
3. Engine wintering
If you can, remove your engine. But before that, do not forget to do the maintenance steps of this one: rinse with fresh water, emptying oil and petrol.
Take care of your engine now.
- The propeller: remove it to check your condition and to grease the tree.
- Candles: Check if there is no need to change them.
- Base emptying: drain your gearbox every 100 hours of navigation.
- Anodes: as for candles, inspect them and change them if necessary.
- The fuel circuit: Clean or change the engine circuit filter and drain the carburetor tank.
- The launcher's rope: check that it is still solid.
- Other parts and joints: to be greased.
4. Cleaning
Now you still have to clean up your entire semi-rigid boat. It goes first by the fairing.
Boat fairing consists in cleaning the boat of the boat and passing several layers ofantifouling in order toavoid oxidation. Clean by sponge and maintenance products Before rinsing (preferably at Karcher). Once clean and dry, pass your antifouling layers on the shell.
For the rest of the cleaning of your boat, see our dedicated article " How to maintain your semi-rigid boat ». We also describe there all the stages, products and equipment necessary to take care of all parts of your semi-rigid: shell, floats, bridge, but also engine.
It is also during this stage that you can deflate and look at the condition of your floats. If you observe wear or want to change their appearance, think of our Repair fabrics for cutting boats !
5. Storage
Your boat is now ready for the last step, that of storage. Find an adequate location so that during winter, your boat is protected :
- UV rays
- cold
- humidity
- rainy acidity
- various pollution
Favor a place closed and dry (garage, warehouse) and cover your boat with slum or a winter tarpaulin.
Attention, It is important to let air circulate in order to avoid mold. This is worth in particular if you have cupboards or storage: leaving them open is recommended.
Do you want to call on a professional for the wintering of your semi-rigid boat?
Consult our website on our website dedicated to our partner network of boats repairers, or to our Blog articles By department or by region to find where to maintain your zodiac near you.
Discover our products:
Read more about the world of semi-rigids:
- The best accessories for semi-rigid boat
- Why buy a semi-rigid boat? Benefits
- The best models of semi-rigid pneumatic boats
- Prepare the implementation of your pneumatic boat
- How to maintain your semi-rigid boat?
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