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In Europe, outside Crete & Greece

Expedition offered from € 250 including tax in Europe outside Crete & Greece

Cookie policy

Cookie policy

When you visit or use the https://orcaretail.com/or its partner service providers may use cookies or other tracking/tracking/automatic data collection technologies to store information in order to provide you with a better, faster and more secure experience.

This cookie policy (the "Policy") is intended to help you better understand these technologies and our use of them.

Article 1: What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file (usually made up of letters and numbers) that may be deposited on a terminal when you visit a website with a browser or consult a message.

They enable a website to recognize the browser or device. Like most Web sites, the Company uses technologies, mainly through small data files stored on your device, that enable us to record certain information when you visit or use our Site.

There are several types of cookies:

  • Session cookies: these expire as soon as you close your browser and enable us to link your actions during that particular session;
  • Persistent cookies: these are stored on your device between browsing sessions and enable us to remember your preferences or actions on several sites;
  • Proprietary cookies: these are issued by the site you are visiting;
  • Third-party cookies: these are issued by a third-party site, distinct from the site you are visiting.

Article 2: Cookies used

Our cookies have different functions. They may :

  1. Be necessary for the operation of our services,
  2. Help us improve our performance,
  3. offer you additional functionalities,

We use cookies or similar tracking technologies that remain on your device only while your browser is open (session cookies), and cookies or similar technologies that remain on your device for a longer period of time (persistent cookies).

  • Cookies issued by the Site

The Site issues session cookies, which are strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the Sites and your browsing on them.

The Site also issues persistent cookies to remember your language, time zone and other preferences.

  • Marketing cookies

The Site issues cookies for marketing purposes in order to offer targeted advertising to users.

  • Analytical and performance cookies

The Site may use cookies or tracers enabling it to evaluate the performance of the Site, its applications, services and tools, in particular as part of analytical practices, to help it understand how visitors use the Site, to determine whether you have interacted with its messaging system, to detect whether you have consulted a product or link, or to improve the content of its Site, applications, services or tools.

The Site uses the services of Google Analytics and Stockist to analyze browsing behavior.

For more information on the use of data collected by Google Analytics, please consult the following page: https://policies.google.com/privacy/partners?hl=fr

For more information on the use of data collected by Stockist, please consult the following page: https://stockist.co/privacy

Article 3: Managing the placement and reading of cookies

Cookies are stored on your computer for 13 months.

You will be asked for a new authorization every year, thanks to the appearance of a new banner.

You are free to accept or refuse cookies. On your first visit to the site, the Company informed you of the use of cookies and their purpose by displaying a banner giving you the option of accepting all cookies, refusing all cookies or setting the parameters at your discretion.

Certain functionalities of the Site, services, applications and tools are made available to you solely by means of these cookies or tracers.

You can block, delete or deactivate these technologies if your browser or device so permits.

However, refusal to use these technologies may result in the unavailability of certain Site functions, services, applications or tools.

For more information on blocking, deleting or disabling these technologies, please consult your browser or device settings.

Cookies can be deactivated or deleted using tools available in most browsers. As each browser offers different features and options, the preferences of each browser you use will need to be set separately.

Please note that you can prevent cookies from being saved by configuring your browser.

You can change your browser settings at any time on the following page GDPR Compliance - ORCA Retail by Pennel & Flipo