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Renovating a used inflatable boat: costs and method

Renovating a used inflatable boat: costs and method

The lifespan of RIB boats can easily reach 20 or 30 years when properly maintained, making it possible to invest in a second-hand model while still guaranteeing many years of use!

In this article, Orca Retail takes a look at the conditions for buying used RIB models, and how to get the most out of them with a few simple steps to make them look like new again at low cost! Read on for our tips and tricks. 


Where to buy a used inflatable boat? Why choose a professional? 

When it comes to finding and purchasing a used model, we can only advise you to choose a professional dealer .

If of course it is possible to go through a private person to buy a used RIB, and if your first reflex is to go through the classified ads of specialized or generalist websites (,, going through a boat seller has many advantages: 


1. Better maintenance conditions

You can count on the expertise of professionals to carefully review everything that needs to be done on your used inflatable boat. In terms of purely mechanical and engine maintenance, there is no doubt that a professional dealer will be able to guarantee the overall functioning of the boat more effectively than a private individual. If, even in good faith, a private individual assures you of a perfect operation, nothing replaces a careful examination by a professional, in order to avoid costly surprises after a few outings at sea.


2. A guaranteed presence

By buying a used inflatable boat from a professional, you can first of all go on site to see several boats rather than one, which saves you the numerous trips between individuals. 

Then, in case of a glitch or hidden defect with your new toy, it will be much easier to turn against a professional than a private individual. In the age of the internet and consumer reviews, boat dealers are careful about their reputation and will tend to go out of their way to guarantee your satisfaction, whereas a private individual may be tempted to blow you off once the transaction is complete. 


3. Bargains

An individual who is not an expert in the field will tend to offer you a price that does not correspond to the reality of the market.

If, in a sense, the buyer may be under-pricing the boat (and good for you!), he may also be over-pricing it. So be wary and compare carefully before you buy a used RIB, and you may end up spending a lot of time researching and getting confused by uneven prices (and beware of false bargains and low prices).

And if of course a reseller plans a margin, remember that many individuals sell their used inflatable boat to these professionals at a reduced rate. You will not be the only one to bear the cost of this margin.

Also consider that dealers have space that is not expandable, so you may see used boats at bargain prices from exhibitors who want to make room, while an individual may keep his boat at home for months without changing the price. This is especially true if you have your eyes on a show model

Good deals are not only the prerogative of private individuals.

Please note that if you wish to have the price of your boat estimated by a professional, count on a service of 40 to 80 euros per linear meter


4. Save time and money on purchasing maintenance equipment and accessories

The other advantage of using a used RIB dealer is that he has everything you need for them!

In addition to the good advice of the dealer, you will be able to buy directly in his store everything you need for your boat: accessories for your sea trips as well as maintenance products.

And of course, you can be sure that you will be able to negotiate the whole package if you buy other products in addition to the boat. 


To find a used RIB boat dealer in your area, consult our partner network!


What to look out for when buying a used RIB? 

Whether you are a professional or an individual, it is recommended that you do not rush things and that you observe a number of points or ask a few questions. 

For example, are the motor or the floats still under warranty? Indeed, if the object of your desire is only a few months or a few years old, it is very likely that its guarantees are still valid. Make sure you get the necessary documents. 

Of course, the ideal thing is to be able to try out the boat, but this is not always possible, and is very rare. An outing at sea is not something you can easily improvise! Depending on the season, weather conditions, fuel costs, proximity to a stretch of water, and the owner's goodwill, it may not always be possible to try out your pre-owned RIB. Don't forget to take this into account when negotiating the price! You take more risk and cost the dealer less by not testing the boat, and this must be reflected in the offer. 

Take a look at the boat, see how many people can board, if the mechanical elements are well oiled, inspect all the angles to evaluate the global wear and tear and note details that a private individual would have omitted. The comfort of the seats and the working order of the electronics are also to be observed.

Another important point to pay attention to when buying your used RIB boat is its size/length. If you already have a trailer, make sure it is compatible with the boat. The same goes for the size of your garage or other storage space. 

 used boats

How much does a used inflatable boat cost? 

Depending on the size, age, performance, equipment, accessories provided, brand, wear and tear, used RIBs can have very different prices .

Just as for a new model, the price of a used inflatable boat can vary from a few thousand euros to several tens (or even hundreds) of thousands.

In terms of discount, if we take a 2005 entry-level model such as the Zodiac Marvel 480, it was sold at its release for €12,740, and can be found today in second-hand stores for less than €8,000, i.e. almost 40% cheaper (not counting inflation which further lowers this value). 

If we take a more recent mid-range model such as the Cantieri Capelli Tempest 650, we can observe that its new price is negotiated around 45,000 €, and around 30,000 € for a 5 years old model, that is to say a third of the original price less .

Overall, we can say thatbetween a new and a used model, the discount is 20 to 30% the first year . This is why it is interesting to consider the second-hand market for a RIB, the ideal being to bet on a model that is between 2 and 5 years old. This way, you will have the advantage of benefiting from most of the discount while still enjoying certain sales guarantees and a good lifespan with the possibility of reselling it yourself at some point. 


How to refit a used RIB boat ? What is the budget to renovate a used inflatable boat ? 

Now that you have purchased a used tire, depending on its condition, you will have more or less work to do. 

For a recent model, and especially if you bought it from a professional who made sure to deliver it to you in the best possible condition, the expenses will be limited or even nil, or will really be limited to thepurchase of basic maintenance products for a few dozen euros.

For the real "bargains to be reworked", which is more largely the case of properties resold by individuals who have not necessarily provided the best maintenance, here is what we recommend. 


1. Clean flanges

Dirt or mildew can be stubborn. The problem is not only aesthetic but can affect the strength of the floats. Whether you want to keep your floats as they are or reinforce them, you must first clean them. This can refresh some of the dull and faded colors.


2. Looking for punctures

On the face of it, if the dealer has been conscientious, you won't have this problem, but caution is the better part of valour, so inspect the inflated bladders for possible punctures.


3. Change the fabric of your pneumatic tubes

Redesigning your floats is THE best way to give a second life to your second-hand inflatable! Redoing the fabric of your RIBs has 2 advantages. 

The first step is to reinforce your aging sails with a new layer of quality protection so that you can go back to sea with peace of mind for years to come. 

But also, it's the perfect way to personalize your boat and give it a brand new look! 

Orca Retail offers you its range of neoprene repair fabrics to reinforce and customize your socks. 

We offer 4 finishes (Carbon / Fabric Impression / Beading / Smooth) and dozens of different colors. You can even order our color daisy for 10 Euros (+ shipping) to guide your choice. 

All our fabrics are resistant to abrasion, UVs, hydrocarbons, and are compatible with all brands of semi-rigid on the market.

In terms of total cost, if you only wish to carry out a localized repair, 1 or 2 meters of fabric is sufficient, i.e. 100-200 euros (excluding installation and shipping costs). On the other hand, the price for a semi-rigid bladder changeis around 1,200 to 2,500 euros (excluding installation and shipping costs) if you want to cover your entire bladders with our repair fabrics. 


4. Clean the rest of the boat

Once your refurbished flanges are mounted, or in parallel, clean the rest of the boat. Applying a varnish to the wooden parts is also more than welcome. 

For more information on the cleaning and maintenance steps, please refer to our articles : 

- What to do in case of a puncture of the bladder of your dinghy?

- How to maintain your semi-rigid boat ? 


5. Change motor

This is the second point that will contribute the most to give a new life to your used inflatable. Perhaps you have bought a semi-rigid boat in excellent condition but with a capricious or simply missing engine. You are then free to buy a new motor, new or used. 

The price of a second-hand RIB engine starts at around 500 euros for entry-level models, and goes up to around ten thousand euros for the most efficient ones. 

The price of a new RIB engine ranges from a few thousand to several tens of thousands of euros depending on the desired power. 

 Used Zodiac


Opting for a used RIB boat can save you thousands or even tens of thousands of euros. 

For a budget of 10,000 to 15,000 euros, you can easily find very good entry-level models that you will have completely rebuilt, with flanges and an engine like new, or for even less if you find a good deal! 



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Read more about the world of RIBs :


Requests: refit a Zodiac, buy a used inflatable boat, buy used RIB boat.

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